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ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations Namespace
Public classAnnotation
Represents a graphical annotation displayed in the 3D graphics.
Public classAnnotationCollection
Represents a collection Annotation objects
Public classArrowAnnotation
Represents an arrow annotation displayed in the 3D graphics.
Public classAsset
An asset is a piece of binary content that is embedded in a Smart Component. RobotStudio uses assets to store string resources and the Code Behind assembly. Any kind of binary data that is needed by the smart component can be added as an asset.
Public classAssetCollection
Represents a collection of Assets contained by a SmartComponent or a Station.
Public classAttachment
You can attach an object (child) to another object (parent). Attachments can be created on part level and on mechanism level. When an object has been attached to a parent, moving the parent also moves the child. One of the most common attachments is to attach a tool to a robot
Public classCode exampleAttachmentCollection
A Collection of Attchment objects.
Public classBody
A body is typically a single 3D solid or a 2D surface, but it can also be several disjoint lumps treated as one body. It is the highest level object in the geometric model. Several bodies can be grouped in a Part.
Public classCode exampleBodyCollection
A collection of Body objects.
Public classBuiltInControllerSourceSignals
Gives access to built in data recorder signals, that represents information from the controller.
Public classBuiltInDataRecorderSignals
Gives access to the identities of the built in data recorder signals.
Public classBuiltInSmartComponentSourceSignals
Gives access to built in data recorder signals, that represents information from SmartComponents.
Public classCode exampleCamera
Represents a camera that can be used to control the view of a GraphicControl.
Public classCode exampleCameraCollection
A collection of Camera objects.
Public classClipPlane
Defines a plane that can be used to clip geometry in a GraphicControl.
Public classClipPlaneCollection
Represents a collection of ClipPlane objects.
Public classCoedge
A coedge is closely related to an edge. A coedge stores its relationships with adjacent edges and with superior owning entities. (In some contexts, the coedge may be viewed as the use of an edge by a face or wire.) The data structures formed by these relationships (stored as pointers) and their interpretation depend upon the nature of the owning entity.
Public classCode exampleCoedgeCollection
A collection of Coedge objects.
Public classCollisionDetector
Provides collision detection on Collision Sets.
Public classCode exampleCollisionEventArgs
Provides data for the Collision event.
Public classCode exampleCollisionObjectCollection
A collection of GraphicComponent collision objects.
Public classCollisionSet
Defines two groups of objects that will be tested for collision against each other.
Public classCode exampleCollisionSetCollection
A collection of CollisionSet objects.
Public classControllerSimulationConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the simulation for an RsIrc5Controller.
Public classControllerSimulationConfigurationCollection
Represents a collection of ControllerSimulationConfiguration objects.
Public classDrawingAnnotation
Public classDynamicProperty
An object attached to a SmartComponent that has value, type and attributes. The property value is used to control the behavior of the SmartComponent
Public classDynamicPropertyChangedEventArgs
Provides data for PropertyChanged and PropertyValueChanged
Public classDynamicPropertyCollection
Represents a collection of DynamicProperties attached to a SmartComponent.
Public classEdge
An Edge is bounded by one or more vertices, referring to one Vertex at each end. Edges are closely related to Coedges, which allows the Edge to occur in more than one Face, thus makes it possible to create solids.
Public classEdgeGraph
Helper class to simplify edge traversal for a set of connected edges in a body
Public classEvaluateTriggerEventArgs
Provides data for the EvaluateTrigger event.
Public classEventTable
Public classEventTableAction
Public classEventTableActionAttach
Public classEventTableActionCollection
Public classEventTableActionCustom
Public classEventTableActionDetach
Public classEventTableActionIO
Public classEventTableActionMechanicalPose
Public classEventTableActionMonitor
Public classEventTableActionMove
Public classEventTableActionNothing
Public classEventTableActionShow
Public classEventTableActionTimer
Public classEventTableActionVstaMacro Obsolete.
Public classEventTableEntry
Public classEventTableEntryCollection
Public classEventTableTrigger
Public classEventTableTriggerCollision
Public classEventTableTriggerCustom
Public classEventTableTriggerIO
Public classEventTableTriggerLogic
Public classExecuteActionEventArgs
Provides data for the ExecuteAction event.
Public classFace
A face is a bounded portion of a single geometric surface, the two-dimensional analog of a body. The boundary is represented by one or more loops or edges. Each face is simply connected, implying that one can traverse from any point on the interior of the face to any other point on the interior of the face without crossing the boundary of the face. In general, it is not meaningful to distinguish exterior and interior loops of edges, though for certain surface types this may be possible and some algorithms may do so.
Public classCode exampleFaceCollection
A collection of Face objects.
Public classCode exampleFrame
Represents a simple modelling frame.
Public classCode exampleFrameCollection
Represents a collection of Frames in a Station.
Public classGenericGraphicExportSettings
Contains common graphic export settings.
Public classCode exampleGraphicComponent
The base class of all objects in the station that represent physical objects or entities.
Public classCode exampleGraphicComponentCollection
A collection of GraphicComponent objects.
Public classCode exampleGraphicComponentGroup
The GraphicComponentGroup is an assembly of GraphicComponent objects.
Public classGraphicComponentLibrary
A GraphicComponentLibrary allows you to save and load graphic components to and from a library file.
Public classInformationStream Obsolete.
Provides access to the Information Stream of the Virtual Controller. Currently only I/O signals are supported. The Information Stream is synchronized with Virtual Time, so you can use it together with the Simulator object in order to react on signal value changes during a simulation. Each change event is stamped with the virtual time when it occured.
Public classInformationStreamEvent Obsolete.
The base class for all events that can be recieved from the InformationStream. It contains a time stamp that is synchronized with virtual time.
Public classInformationStreamEventArgs Obsolete.
Provides data for the EventsAvailable event.
Public classIOConnection
Represents a connection from from a source signal to a target signal.
Public classIOConnectionCollection
Represents a collection of IOConnection objects.
Public classIOSignal
Represents an I/O signal in the Station or in a SmartComponent.
Public classIOSignalChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the IOSignalChanged event.
Public classIOSignalChangeEvent Obsolete.
Represents information about a I/O signal value change.
Public classIOSignalCollection
Represents a collection of IOSignals attached to a SmartComponent
Public classLight
Represents a light source in a station.
Public classLightCollection
Represents a collection of Light objects.
Public classLoop
A Loop is a set of connected coedges. Normally it has no start or end points.
Public classLoopCollection
A collection of Loop objects.
Public classMarkup
Represents a text and pointer markup displayed in the 3D graphics.
Public classMarkupCollection
A collection of Markup objects.
Public classMaterial
Specifies the appearance of a surface in the 3D graphics.
Public classMechanism
A mechanism is a GraphicComponent that a number of joints controlling the movement of a number of links. A robot is the archetypal mechanism in RobotStudio, but it is not the only kind.
Public classCode exampleMechanismBuilder
Public classMesh
A collection of MeshParts representing different detail levels of a Part.
Public classMeshBody
Graphical representation of a Body.
Public classMeshFace
Graphical representation of a Face.
Public classMeshHelpers
Contains helper/extension methods for building Mesh primitives.
Public classMeshPart
Represents the graphical representation of a Part.
Public classPart
A Part is a container for bodies, and can hold zero or more bodies. A Part also contains an orientation.
Public classParticleSystem
Represents a system of particles in the 3D graphics that move and transform according to the parameters in a ParticleSystemData.
Public classParticleSystemCollection
Represents a collection of ParticleSystem objects.
Public classPhysicsCable
Represents a cable that is simulated by the physics system.
Public classPhysicsCableControlPoint
Represents a point through which a PhysicsCable is routed when it is created.
Public classPhysicsConstraint
Controls how two physics enabled GraphicComponents can move in relation to eachother.
Public classPhysicsConstraintCollection
Represents a collection PhysicsConstraint objects
Public classPointCloud
Represents a large number of point primitives in the 3D graphics.
Public classPointCloudCollection
Represents a collection of PointCloud objects.
Public classProcessTimerEnableChangedEventArgs Obsolete.
Public classProjectObjectTag
Represents a tag that can be applied to any object that is part of a Station
Public classProjectObjectTagCollection
A collection of ProjectObjectTag objects.
Public classPropertyAttributeCollection
Represents a collection of key-value String pairs attached to a DynamicProperty.
Public classPropertyBinding
Represents a binding from a source property to a target property.
Public classPropertyBindingCollection
Public classRapidModuleExistsException
Public classRapidSynchronizationEventArgs
Public classRapidSyncResult
ABB Internal use only. Contains the results of a RAPID Sync operation
Public classRsActionInstruction
Represents a generic RAPID instruction.
Public classCode exampleRsActionInstructionDescription
Defines the parameters and other properties of an RsActionInstruction. Also contains templates for creating new RsActionInstruction instances.
Public classRsDataDeclaration
This is an abstract base class for RsRobTarget, RsJointTarget, RsToolData, RsWorkObject and RsGenericDataDeclaration. It corresponds to a RAPID variable instance, like num or tooldata.
Public classCode exampleRsDataDeclarationCollection
A collection of RsDataDeclaration objects.
Public classCode exampleRsGenericDataDeclaration
Represents a RAPID DataDeclaration that does not have dedicated class in the RobotStudio API, but that still should be possible to syncronize and/or modify.
Public classRsInstruction
Abstract base class for RsActionInstruction and RsMoveInstruction.
Public classRsInstructionArgument
Represents an argument of a RsInstruction or a RsInstructionTemplate.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionArgumentCollection
A collection of RsInstructionArgument objects.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionCollection
A collection of RsInstruction objects.
Public classRsInstructionDescription
Public classRsInstructionDescriptionCollection
A collection of RsInstructionDescription objects.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionParameter
Describes the data type and other properties of an RsInstructionArgument.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionParameterCollection
A collection of RsInstructionParameter objects.
Public classRsInstructionParameterGroup
Represents a group of one or more RsInstructionParameter objects. This object defines either a single parameter, or a group of mutually exclusive parameters.
Public classRsInstructionParameterGroupCollection
A collection of RsInstructionParameterGroup objects. This collection defines all possible parameters of an RsInstruction. Each RsInstructionParameterGroup object defines either a single parameter, or a group of mutually exclusive parameters.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionTemplate
Defines a set of argument values that are applied to the instructions created using the template. You can create templates for all instructions in the system running on the virtual controller.
Public classCode exampleRsInstructionTemplateCollection
A collection of RsInstructionTemplate objects.
Public classRsIrc5Controller
Public classRsIrc5ControllerCollection
Public classCode exampleRsJointTarget
A RsJointTarget corresponds to a jointtarget declaration in RAPID. It defines each individual axis position, for both the robot and the external axes. Jointtargets are used to define the positions that the robot and the external axes will move to with the instruction MoveAbsJ.
Public classRsMechanicalUnit
Public classRsMechanicalUnitCollection
Public classRsMoveInstruction
Represents a RAPID instruction for moving the robot to a specified target in a specified manner.
Public classRsMoveInstructionDescription
Defines the parameters and other properties of an RsMoveInstruction.
Public classRsPathCallInstruction
An RsInstruction that represents a call to a RsPathProcedure.
Public classCode exampleRsPathProcedure
An RsPathProcedure is a sequence of move and action instructions. Paths are used to make the robot move along a sequence of targets. An RsPathsProcedure corresponds to a to RAPID procedure and is synchronized to the virtual controller.
Public classRsPathProcedureCollection
Public classRsProcessDefinition
A process definition is a group of 1-3 RsMoveInstructionDescriptions and a collection of their corresponding RsProcessTemplates. For instance the RsProcessDefinition representing the 'Arc' process would contain references to the RsMoveInstructionDescriptions of 'ArcC' and 'ArcL' and their templates.
Public classCode exampleRsProcessDefinitionCollection
A collection of RsProcessDefinition objects.
Public classCode exampleRsProcessTemplate
An RsProcessTemplate is an instance of a process definition. It contains a collection of 1-3 RsInstructionTemplates. The templates corresponds to the RsMoveInstructionDescriptions of the RsProcessDefinition that the RsProcessTemplate is a memeber of.
Public classCode exampleRsProcessTemplateCollection
A collection of RsProcessTemplate objects.
Public classCode exampleRsRobTarget
A RsRobTarget corresponds to a robtarget declaration in RAPID. A robtarget is used to define the position of a robot and external axes.
Public classRsTarget
Defines a target position by the combination of a RsWorkObject and a RsRobTarget.
Public classCode exampleRsTargetCollection
A collection of RsTargets.
Public classRsTask
Public classCode exampleRsTaskCollection
A collection of RsTasks.
Public classCode exampleRsToolData
Tooldata is used to describe the characteristics of a tool. It corresponds to the 'tooldata' data type in RAPID.
Public classCode exampleRsWorkObject
A workobject is a coordinate system used to describe the position of a work piece. The workobject consists of two frames: a user frame and an object frame. All programed positions will be related to the object frame, which is related to the user frame, which is related to the world coordinate system. It corresponds to the 'workobject' data type in RAPID.
Public classShell
A Shell is a set of connected Faces and Wires. It is normally the outside of a solid body, but can also be the inside of a hollow body.
Public classShellCollection
A collection of Shell items.
Public classSimulationConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of a simulation.
Public classSimulationConfigurationCollection
Public classSimulationDataRecorder
A data recorder than can record signals from a simulation. It is synchronized with virtual time.
Public classSimulationStopwatch
Represents a stopwatch that (when displayed in the stopwatch UI) is automatically started and stopped by triggers during simulation.
Public classSimulationStopwatchCollection
Represents a collection of SimulationStopwatch objects.
Public classSimulator
Public classSmartComponent
Represents a GraphicComponent that contains Properties, I/O Signals, Assets and other GraphicComponents. The behavior of the component is implemented by Code Behind.
Public classSmartComponentCodeBehind
Base class for code-behind that implements behavior of a SmartComponent.
Public classStation
The Station object is a set of objects with a spatial and/or logical relationship.
Public classSweepOptions
Provides options for Body.Sweep and Body.Extrude.
Public classTargetReachEventArgs Obsolete.
Public classTaskSimulationConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the simulation for a task in an RsIrc5Controller.
Public classTaskSimulationConfigurationCollection
Represents a collection of TaskSimulationConfiguration objects.
Public classTexture
Represents a texture image that can be applied to surfaces in the 3D view
Public classTickEventArgs
Provides data for the Tick event
Public classTransform
Represents the translation and orientation of a graphical ProjectObject.
Public classVertex
A Vertex refers to a point in object space, and is the corner of either a Face or a Wire.
Public classVirtualSignalChangedEventArgs Obsolete.
Public classVirtualSignalCollection Obsolete.
Public classWire
A wire is a collection of Edges that are connected to each other, without being attached to a Face.
Public classWireCollection
A collection of Wire objects.
Public structureConfigurationData
Represents information about the robot arm configuration, to be used when reaching a target. Given a tool and a target is is usually possible for the robot to reach it using different set of axes angles. This structure has a corresponding RAPID data type called confdata. The ConfigurationData is used to unambigously denote one of a set of possible robot arm configurations. It is done by specifying in which quadrant, four of the robot axes, should be in. It is not necessecary to specify this value for all axes. Depending on the robot model, the axes used to denote configuration, and the interpretation of the configuration can vary. Please refer to the RAPID Reference Manual.
Public structureCurveSection
Represents a section of a Wire limited by two vertices.
Public structureDenavitHartenbergParameters
The Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (also called DH parameters) are the four parameters associated with a particular convention for attaching reference frames to the links of a spatial kinematic chain, or robot manipulator.
Public structureExternalAxisValues
Represents the axis positions in radians of the robots external axes.
Public structureFlange
Represents a flange of a Mechanism. A flange is an entity that is created when modeling a mechanism. Using the flange you can attach other objects deriving from IAttachableChild to the link of the flange. A robot usually has a flange modeled at its wrist. That makes it possible to for example attach a tool on the wrist of a robot.
Public structureKnownAttributeKey
Contains attribute keys for use in the DynamicProperty.Attributes collection. Attributes with these keys are used for value validation and user interface hints.
Public structureMeshInfo
Contains quantitative information about a Mesh.
Public structureOptimizeMeshParameters
Public structureParameterRange
Represents the range of a spline surface in U or V direction.
Public structureParticleSystemData
Provides parameters for drawing a particle system.
Public structurePhysicsCollisionProperties
Specifies settings for the collision detection of Part during physics simulation.
Public structurePhysicsFrictionParameters
Specifies spring parameters for one degree of freedom of a PhysicsConstraint
Public structurePhysicsLimitParameters
Specifies limit paramters for one degree of freedom of a PhysicsConstraint
Public structurePhysicsMaterial
Specifies bulk and surface physical properties of a Part.
Public structurePhysicsMotorParameters
Specifies motor parameters for one degree of freedom of a PhysicsConstraint
Public structurePhysicsSimulationProperties
Specifies global properties of the physics simulation.
Public structurePhysicsSpringParameters
Specifies spring parameters for one degree of freedom of a PhysicsConstraint
Public structurePhysicsSurfaceVelocity
Specifies properties for simulation of surface movement on a physics enabled Part .
Public structureRobotAxisValues
Represents the axis positions in radians of the robot axes. This class contains the same information as the RAPID data type robjoint.
Public structureCode exampleRsLoadData
Loaddata is used to describe loads attached to the mechanical interface of the robot Load data usually defines the payload (grip load is defined by the instruction Grip- Load) of the robot, i.e. the load held in the robot gripper. The tool load is specified in the tool data (tooldata) which includes load data.
Public structureStopwatchTrigger
Represents a triggger with a condition that should be met for a SimulationStopwatch to be started or stopped.
Public structureSyncLogMessage
Represents a log message from the RAPIDSync system. The log message can be translated and displayed to the user, and also treated programmatically. The SyncLogMessage contains a list of strings which should be combined with a translated message to make it complete. It can for example be the location and name of a data declaration that has been created using RAPIDSync.
Public structureToolDataInfo
Represents the geometric information about a modeled tool. When modeling a mechanism it is possible to define information that can be used to create a RsToolData object. The tooldata is RobotStudios representation of the RAPID tooldata data type. The RsToolData contains information that is only relevant in the context of a RAPID program. For this reason all the inforamtion of a tooldata is not relvant to define when modeling a mechanism.
Public structureValueValidationInfo
Contains information about the result of a property/signal value validation.
Public interfaceIAttachableChild
Represents an object that can act as the child in an Attachment.
Public interfaceIAttachableParent
Represents an object that can act as the parent in an Attachment.
Public interfaceIHasAssets
Represents an object that has a collection of Asset objects.
Public interfaceIHasDynamicProperties
Represents an object that has a collection of DynamicProperty objects.
Public interfaceIHasFrames
Represents an object that has a collection of Frame objects.
Public interfaceIHasGeometry
Represents a geometric entity or primitive.
Public interfaceIHasGraphicComponents
Represents an object that has a collection of GraphicComponent objects.
Public interfaceIHasIOConnections
Represents an object that has a collection of IOConnection objects.
Public interfaceIHasIOSignals
Represents an object that has a collection of IOSignal objects.
Public interfaceIHasPropertyBindings
Represents an object that has a collection of PropertyBinding objects.
Public interfaceIHasTransform
Represents an object that has a Transform.
Public delegateCode exampleCollisionEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Collision event.
Public delegateDynamicPropertyChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the PropertyChanged and PropertyValueChanged events.
Public delegateEvaluateTriggerEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the EvaluateTrigger event.
Public delegateExecuteActionEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the ExecuteAction event.
Public delegateFileNotFoundNotification
Represents the method that will handle the file not found callback from the Load(String, Boolean, ProgressNotification, FileNotFoundNotification) method.
Public delegateInformationStreamEventHandler Obsolete.
Public delegateIOSignalChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the IOSignalChanged event.
Public delegateRapidSynchronizationEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the RapidSynchronized event.
Public delegateTickEventHandler Obsolete.
Public delegateVirtualSignalChangedEventHandler Obsolete.
Public enumerationAxisDirection
Specifies values for ApproachVector, in tool coordinates.
Public enumerationBlendMode
Specifies how a texture is blended with the underlying color
Public enumerationBodyPrimitiveType
Represents the type of primitive for a body that was created by a method such as CreateSolidBox(Matrix4, Vector3).
Public enumerationBodyType
Specifies the type of a Body
Public enumerationBuiltInDataRecorderMotionSignal
Specifies information from the robot motion system that can be recorded.
Public enumerationCode exampleCollisionEvent
Specifies a collision or near miss event.
Public enumerationCollisionHighlightLevel
Specifies values for HighlightLevel.
Public enumerationCollisionType
Specifies the collision type.
Public enumerationComponentLibraryClassification Obsolete.
Specifies the classification of a GraphicComponentLibrary.
Public enumerationConfigurationMode
Specifies how the stored target configuration is used in JumpToAsync(RsToolData, Boolean, ConfigurationMode) and JumpToAsync(Boolean, ConfigurationMode).
Public enumerationConfigurationStatus
Specifies if it is known if a RsRobTarget is reachable with its current configuration.
Public enumerationControllerMappingState
Defines the different mapping states for an RsIrc5Controller. See MappingState property.
Public enumerationConveyorBuilderParameterizationType
Public enumerationDetailLevels
Specifies the detail levels used when creating a graphical representation of a geometric entity (faceting).
Public enumerationDetectableUsage
Specifies how the CollisionDetector uses the Detectable property when checking for collision or minimum distance between two GraphicComponents.
Public enumerationEdgeType
Specifies the type of an Edge.
Public enumerationEventActivationMode
Specifies values to indicate the activation mode of an EventTableEntry.
Public enumerationEventLogicOperator
Specifies values for Operator
Public enumerationEventRelationalOperator
Specifies values for Operator.
Public enumerationFaceType
Specifies the type of a Face. A face can be either represented analytically by a simple equation, or a parametric spline.
Public enumerationFollowObjectBehavior
Specifies how a Camera behaves when it follows an object.
Public enumerationForwardKinematicsResult
Specifies the result of a forward kinematic calculation.
Public enumerationFrameType
Specifies the usage of a Frame.
Public enumerationGraphicProjection
Specifies values for Projection and Projection.
Public enumerationHighlightStyle
Specifies the style for highlighting objects in the 3D graphics
Public enumerationInformationStreamSubscriptionStatus
Specifies the result of a subscription to an Information Stream Channel such as an I/O signal. Some of the values are only relevant for specific channel types, some are common.
Public enumerationIntersectionType
Specifies how an object intersects with a volume
Public enumerationIOSignalFlags
Specifies additional attributes for an IOSignal
Public enumerationIOSignalType
Specifies the type and direction of an IOSignal.
Public enumerationJointType
Specifies the motion type of a mechanism joint.
Public enumerationJumpResult
Public enumerationLightType
Specifies the type of light source that a Light represents.
Public enumerationMaterialEffect Obsolete.
Public enumerationMechanicalUnitActivationMode
Specifies values for ActivationMode
Public enumerationMechanicalUnitType
Specifies values for MechanicalUnitType
Public enumerationMechanismType
Specifies values for MechanismType.
Public enumerationMeshFlags
Specifies how a MeshFace is rendered.
Public enumerationMotionType
Specifies values for MotionType
Public enumerationParameterAccessMode
Specifies values for AccessMode
Public enumerationPartFileFormat Obsolete.
Public enumerationPhysicsConstraintType
Specifies the type of a PhysicsConstraint.
Public enumerationPhysicsMotionControl
Specifies the physical behavior of a GraphicComponent
Public enumerationRapidStorageType
Specifies the RAPID storage type of a RsDataDeclaration. Please refer to the RAPID reference manual for more information.
Public enumerationReachabilityState
Whether the robot can reach the target of RsMoveInstruction or not.
Public enumerationRsPointType
Specifies values for PointType
Public enumerationScreenshotOptions
Specifies how a screenshot of the graphics should be rendered.
Public enumerationSimulationActorState
Specifies the state of a simulated object.
Public enumerationSimulationState
Public enumerationStopwatchTriggerType
Represents the type of trigger for starting or stopping a SimulationStopwatch.
Public enumerationSyncDirection
Specifies the direction of a RAPID synchronization operation.
Public enumerationSyncLogMessageId
Specifies the different types of messages that can be generated from the RAPIDSync system. For each element it is documented how many strings the corresponding message has, and their meaning.
Public enumerationSyncLogMessageSeverity
Specifies the different severity levels defined for log messages.
Public enumerationTextureType
Specifies values for TextureType.
Public enumerationTrigValidity
Indicates the validity of an action instruction triggered by a condition, e.g. SetBrush.
Public enumerationValueValidationResult
Specifies values for Result
Public enumerationVirtualControllerRestartMode
Specifies how a virtual controller should be started or restarted
Public enumerationVirtualTimeMode
Specifies how simulation time is controlled in relation to virtual controllers during simulation.
Public enumerationZoneVisualization
Specifies how zone data for move instructions in a path is visualized.