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RsTaskCollection Class
A collection of RsTasks.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations (in ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Stations.dll) Version: 7.0.8747.636
public class RsTaskCollection : ICollection, 
	IEnumerable, IEnumerable<RsTask>

The RsTaskCollection type exposes the following members.

Task Collection.
RsTask Example
    //NOTE: This example requires a stataion with and IRB_140, a positioner and a running VC.
    Station station = Station.ActiveStation;

    // Get the active task
    RsTask myTask = station.ActiveTask;

    // Create a PathProcedure, add it to the task and set it as active.
    RsPathProcedure myPath = new RsPathProcedure(myTask.GetValidRapidName("myPath", "_", 1));
    myTask.ActivePathProcedure = myPath;

    // Create a workobject, add it to the task and set it to active.
    RsWorkObject myWobj = new RsWorkObject();
    myWobj.Name = myTask.GetValidRapidName("myWobj", "_", 1);
    myTask.ActiveWorkObject = myWobj;

    // Create RsRobTarget.
    RsRobTarget myTarget = new RsRobTarget();
    myTarget.Name = myTask.GetValidRapidName("myTarget", "_", 10);

    // Create a corresponding RsTarget.
    RsTarget myRsTarget = new RsTarget(myWobj, myTarget);
    myRsTarget.Name = myTarget.Name;

    // Add it to the task.

    // Create a move instruction and add it to the PathProcedure.
    RsMoveInstruction myMove = new RsMoveInstruction(myTask, "Move", "Default", MotionType.Linear, myWobj.Name, myTarget.Name, myTask.ActiveTool.Name);

    // Set myPath as entrypoint.
    myTask.EntryPoint = myPath.Name;

    // Make sure that all the objects in the task are included in simulation.
    myTask.Simulate = true;

    // Make sure that the objects in the task are visible in the graphics.
    myTask.Visible = true;

    // Sync the RobTaget to the VC.
    await myTask.SyncDataAsync("Module1/" + myTarget.Name, SyncDirection.ToController, new List<SyncLogMessage>());

    // Sync the path to the VC.
    if (await myTask.SyncPathProcedureAsync("Module1/" + myPath.Name, SyncDirection.ToController, new List<SyncLogMessage>()))
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncPathProcedure of path " + myPath.Name + " succeded!"));
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncPathProcedure of path " + myPath.Name + " falied!"));

    // Sync the complete task to the VC.
    if (await myTask.SyncToControllerAsync(new List<SyncLogMessage>(), null))
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncToController succeded!"));
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncToController falied!"));

    // Move along the path.
    if (await myPath.MoveAlongAsync(null))
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The MoveAlong path command failed!"));

    // Jump back to the home position.
    if (!myTask.JumpHome())
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The JumpHome command failed!"));

    // Find all RobTargets in the task.
    RsDataDeclaration[] datadecls = myTask.FindDataDeclarationsByType(typeof(RsRobTarget));
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("There are '" + datadecls.Length + "' in the task"));

    // Find the first RobTarget in the task.
    RsRobTarget robTrg = (RsRobTarget)myTask.FindFirstDataDeclarationByType(typeof(RsRobTarget));
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The first robtarget in the task is '" + robTrg.Name + "'"));

    // Find the first RsTarget in the workobject myWobj.
    RsTarget rsTrg = myTask.FindFirstTargetByWorkObject(myWobj);
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The first RsTarget in WorkObject '" + myWobj.Name + "' is '" + rsTrg.Name + "'"));

    // Find RsTargets matching myWobj and myTarget.
    RsTarget[] rsTargets = myTask.FindTargets(myWobj, myTarget);
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("There are '" + rsTargets.Length + "' matching wobj: " + myWobj.Name + " and robTarget: " + myTarget.Name));

    // Find RsTargets matching the RobTarget myTarget.
    rsTargets = myTask.FindTargetsByRobTarget(myTarget);
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("There are '" + rsTargets.Length + "' matching robTarget: " + myTarget.Name));

    // Find RsTargets matching the workobject MyWobj.
    rsTargets = myTask.FindTargetsByWorkObject(myWobj);
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("There are '" + rsTargets.Length + "' matching wobj: " + myWobj.Name));

    // Activate the first mechanical unit.
    station.Irc5Controllers[0].MechanicalUnits[0].ActivationMode = MechanicalUnitActivationMode.Active;

    // Get the JointTypes of the external axes in the task.
    JointType[] myJT = myTask.GetExternalAxisJointTypes();

    // Get the joint values of the external axes in the task.
    double[] eaValues = myTask.GetExternalAxisJointValues();

    // Set joint number 4 of the external axis values to 1
    eaValues[3] = 1;
    if (!myTask.SetExternalAxisJointValues(eaValues))
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("Failed to set ExtAxis Values!"));

    // Import process definitions from an xml file.
    // NOTE: Change this to a valid path! DefaultProcessTemplate.xml should be in your RobotStudio installation directory.
    myTask.ImportProcessDefinitions(@"C:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\RobotStudio 5.12\ProcessTemplates\DefaultProcessTemplate.xml");

    // Output active path.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The ActivePathProcedure is:" + myTask.ActivePathProcedure.Name));

    // Output active process definition.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The ActiveProcessDefinition is:" + myTask.ActiveProcessDefinition.Name));

    // Output active tool.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The ActiveTool is:" + myTask.ActiveTool.Name));

    // Output active workobject.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The ActiveWorkObject is:" + myTask.ActiveWorkObject.Name));

    // Output the instruction descriptions in the task.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The Task: '" + myTask.Name + "' contains the following InstructionDescriptions:"));
    foreach (RsInstructionDescription descr in myTask.InstructionDescriptions)
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage(descr.Name));

    // Output the process definitions in the task.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The Task: '" + myTask.Name + "' contains the following ProcessDefinitions:"));
    foreach (RsProcessDefinition def in myTask.ProcessDefinitions)
        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage(def.Name));

    // Output the frame of the task.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The Frame of the Task is: "
                                                    + "X: " + myTask.Frame.x
                                                    + "; Y: " + myTask.Frame.y
                                                    + "; Z: " + myTask.Frame.z

    // Output the mechanism of the task.
    Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("The  mechanism of the task id '" + myTask.Mechanism.Name + "'"));
Version Information

Supported in:
See Also