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Task Class

This class represents a Task Rapid object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers.RapidDomain
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers (in ABB.Robotics.Controllers.dll) Version:
public sealed class Task : RapidSymbol, IDisposable

The Task type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControllerType
Gets the ControllerType.
(Inherited from SDKBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating if the task will start when RAPID execution is started.
Public propertyCode exampleExecutionState
Gets the current execution state of the task.
Public propertyCode exampleExecutionType
Gets the current execution type of the task.
Public propertyMotionPointer
Gets the position of the motion pointer (MP) in the task.
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets the name of the RapidSymbol.
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
Public propertyProgramName
Gets or sets the name of the program currently loaded in the Task.
Public propertyProgramPointer
Gets the position of the program pointer (PP) in the task.
Public propertyCode exampleScope
Gets the scope of the RapidSymbol, i.e. TASK,MODULE,ROUTINE,...
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
Public propertyCode exampleTaskType
Gets the type of the current task.
Public propertyType
Get the type of the RapidSymbol.
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
Public methodCode exampleCallRoutine(String)
Executes the specified routine.
Public methodCode exampleCallRoutine(String, RegainMode)
Starts executing the specified routine.
Public methodCallServiceRoutine Obsolete.
Executes the specified service routine.
Public methodCode exampleCancelRoutine
Cancels any current execution of a routine called with CallRoutine(String, RegainMode) and restores the execution stack.
Public methodCancelServiceRoutine Obsolete.
Cancels any current execution of a service routine and restores the execution stack.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteProgram
Deletes the RAPID program of the task from the controller program memory.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the managed resources of the instance.
(Inherited from SDKDisposeBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetJointTarget
Get the current position for mechanical unit connected to task as JointTarget.
Public methodCode exampleGetModule
Gets a Module object that refers to a specific RAPID module.
Public methodCode exampleGetModules
Gets the modules defined in the task.
Public methodCode exampleGetRapidData
Gets a RapidData object that references a RAPID data instance in the robot controller.
Public methodCode exampleGetRobTarget
Get the current position for mechanical unit connected to task as RobTarget, using tool and workobject active for jogging.
Public methodCode exampleGetRobTarget(String, String)
Get the current position for mechanical unit connected to task as RobTarget.
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleLoadModuleFromFile
Loads a RAPID module to the task.
Public methodCode exampleLoadProgramFromFile
Loads a RAPID program into the robot controller program memory.
Public methodCode exampleModifyPosition(String, TextRange)
Modifies the data of the first rob target found in the context of the TextRange parameter.
Public methodModifyPosition(String, Int32)
Modifies the data of the first rob target found in the specified row.
Public methodCode exampleModifyPosition(String, TextRange, ModPosExternalAxis)
Modifies the data of the first rob target found in the context of the TextRange parameter.
Public methodCode exampleModifyPosition(String, Int32, ModPosExternalAxis)
Modifies the data of the first rob target found in the specified row.
Public methodCode exampleResetProgramPointer
Resets the program pointer of this task to its main routine.
Public methodCode exampleSaveProgramToFile
Saves the current program at the provided location.
Public methodCode exampleSearchRapidSymbol
General RapidSymbol search method. Searches the task for symbols that match the specified criteria.
(Overrides RapidSymbolSearchRapidSymbol(RapidSymbolSearchProperties, String, String).)
Public methodSetProgramPointer(ProgramPointer)
Sets PP to a position in a RAPID module.
Public methodCode exampleSetProgramPointer(String, Int32)
Sets PP to a specific row of the current routine.
Public methodCode exampleSetProgramPointer(String, String)
Sets program pointer to the first instruction of a routine (global or local).
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventCode exampleExecutionStateChanged
This event is raised when the execution state of the task is changed.
Public eventCode exampleMotionPointerChanged
This event is raised when the task's motion pointer (MP) is changed.
Public eventCode exampleProgramChanged
This event is raised when the task's program is changed.
Public eventCode exampleProgramPointerChanged
This event is raised when the task's program pointer (PP) is changed.
See Also