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Task Properties

The Task type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControllerType
Gets the ControllerType.
(Inherited from SDKBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating if the task will start when RAPID execution is started.
Public propertyCode exampleExecutionState
Gets the current execution state of the task.
Public propertyCode exampleExecutionType
Gets the current execution type of the task.
Public propertyMotionPointer
Gets the position of the motion pointer (MP) in the task.
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets the name of the RapidSymbol.
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
Public propertyProgramName
Gets or sets the name of the program currently loaded in the Task.
Public propertyProgramPointer
Gets the position of the program pointer (PP) in the task.
Public propertyCode exampleScope
Gets the scope of the RapidSymbol, i.e. TASK,MODULE,ROUTINE,...
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
Public propertyCode exampleTaskType
Gets the type of the current task.
Public propertyType
Get the type of the RapidSymbol.
(Inherited from RapidSymbol.)
See Also