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Controller Class

This class represents a Robot controller. This class has to be created prior of any access to the robot controller.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers (in ABB.Robotics.Controllers.dll) Version:
public sealed class Controller : SDKBase, 

The Controller type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleController
Initializes a new instance of the Controller class, which is used to access the different domains of the controller.
Public methodController(String)
Initializes a new instance of the Controller class connected to a specific Robot Controller.
Public propertyAuthorizationSystem
Gets the AuthorizationSystem
Public propertyBackupInProgress
Checks if the controller is busy finishing a backup.
Public propertyCode exampleConfiguration
Gets the ConfigurationDatabase class of the controller
Public propertyControllerType
Gets the ControllerType.
(Inherited from SDKBase.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Returns the name of the current user, eg. "Default User".
Public propertyCode exampleDateTime
Gets or sets current date and time in the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleEventLog
Gets the EventLog class of the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleFileSystem
Gets the FileSystem class of the controller.
Public propertyGateWay
Returns the Gateway address of the robot controller.
Public propertyCode exampleIOSystem
Gets the IOSystem class of the controller
Public propertyIpAddress
Returns the IP address of the robot controller.
Public propertyIsVirtual
Returns true if the controller is a virtual controller.
Public propertyMacAddress
Returns the mac address of the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleMotionSystem
Gets the MotionSystem class of the controller
Public propertyCode exampleName
Returns the name of the robot controller.
Public propertyCode exampleOperatingMode
Gets the controller operating mode.
Public propertyCode exampleRapid
Gets the Rapid class of the controller
Public propertyRobotWareVersionName
RobotWare Version Name
Public propertyCode exampleState
Gets the state of the controller.
Public propertySubnetMask
Returns the Subnet mask address of the robot controller.
Public methodCode exampleBackup
This method starts a backup of the current robot system.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the managed resources of the instance.
(Inherited from SDKDisposeBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCurrentMaster
Gets the mastership status of a robot controller resource that is managed by means of mastership control.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsMaster
Specifies whether we have mastership of a specific mastership resource.
Public methodCode exampleRestart
Warmstart the controller
Public methodCode exampleRestart(RestartMode)
Restart the controller
Public methodCode exampleRestore
This method starts restoring a backup.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventBackupFinished
This event is generated when a backup is done.
Public eventCode exampleMastershipChanged
Occurs when MasterShip has changed.
Public eventCode exampleOperatingModeChanged
Occurs when the value of the controller OperatingMode has changed.
Public eventCode exampleStateChanged
Occurs when the value of the controller State has changed.
This class is used to access the different domains of the controller. If you create an instance of this class you are expected to call its Dispose(Boolean) method in order to free resources when you have finished using the class. A good rule is to create one instance of this class and use that instance throughout your application.
This example creates a Controller instance in the constructor of the application. At places where a Controller is needed a reference to the instance created in the constructor is used.
private Controller myControllerRef = null;
   public TpsViewRefDoc()
       // Required for Windows Form Designer support

       // Create Controller instance, that can be used all over my 
       // application
       myControllerRef = new Controller();

       // Init rapid data, provide reference to Controller
See Also