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Controller Properties

The Controller type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthorizationSystem
Gets the AuthorizationSystem
Public propertyBackupInProgress
Checks if the controller is busy finishing a backup.
Public propertyCode exampleConfiguration
Gets the ConfigurationDatabase class of the controller
Public propertyControllerType
Gets the ControllerType.
(Inherited from SDKBase.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Returns the name of the current user, eg. "Default User".
Public propertyCode exampleDateTime
Gets or sets current date and time in the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleEventLog
Gets the EventLog class of the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleFileSystem
Gets the FileSystem class of the controller.
Public propertyGateWay
Returns the Gateway address of the robot controller.
Public propertyCode exampleIOSystem
Gets the IOSystem class of the controller
Public propertyIpAddress
Returns the IP address of the robot controller.
Public propertyIsVirtual
Returns true if the controller is a virtual controller.
Public propertyMacAddress
Returns the mac address of the controller.
Public propertyCode exampleMotionSystem
Gets the MotionSystem class of the controller
Public propertyCode exampleName
Returns the name of the robot controller.
Public propertyCode exampleOperatingMode
Gets the controller operating mode.
Public propertyCode exampleRapid
Gets the Rapid class of the controller
Public propertyRobotWareVersionName
RobotWare Version Name
Public propertyCode exampleState
Gets the state of the controller.
Public propertySubnetMask
Returns the Subnet mask address of the robot controller.
See Also