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Matrix4 Methods

The Matrix4 type exposes the following members.

Public methodAlmostEquals(Matrix4)
Comparison method for matrices with default tolerance
Public methodAlmostEquals(Matrix4, Double)
Comparison method for matrices with tolerance
Public methodCheckRigid
Throws an exception if this matrix is not rigid.
Public methodClean
Zeroes any values smaller than Globals.EPS.
Public methodCleanRigid
Ensures this is a valid rigid matrix
Public methodDeterminant
Returns the determinant.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodStatic memberFromAxis
Returns a matrix with one given axis. The other two axes are arbitrarily chosen to form a right-handed coordinate system.
Public methodStatic memberFromThreePoint
Creates a matrix from three points.
Public methodStatic memberFromTwoAxes
Creates a matrix from a translation and two axis vectors
Public methodStatic memberFromTwoPointXY
Creates a matrix from a translation and two points
Public methodStatic memberFromTwoPointXZ
Creates a matrix from a translation and two points
Public methodGetAxisVector
Gets the axis vector from the specified axis
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInverse
Returns the inverse of a general matrix.
Public methodInverseRigid
Returns a an inverted copy of the matrix. If the matrix is non-rigid the result is undefined.
Public methodInvert
Inverts a general matrix, using Cramer's rule.
Public methodInvertAffine
Inverts an affine matrix.
Public methodInvertRigid
Inverts a rigid (pure translation+rotation) matrix.
Public methodIsAffine
Returns true if the matrix is affine.
Public methodIsEmpty
Returns true if all elements in the matrix are zero.
Public methodIsIdentity
Returns true if the matrix is identity.
Public methodIsRigid
Returns true if this matrix is rigid (orthogonal), e.g. it represents a pure rotation and translation.
Public methodMultiply(Matrix4)
Matrix-Matrix multiplication method.
Public methodMultiply(Vector4)
Matrix-Vector4 multiplication method.
Public methodMultiplyPoint
Matrix-Vector3 (interpreted as a point) multiplication.
Public methodMultiplyVector
Matrix-Vector3 (interpreted as a direction) multiplication.
Public methodStatic memberRelativeMatrix
Returns a matrix representing the relative transform, between the two specified matrices.
Public methodRotate(Vector3, Double)
Rotates the matrix around an axis through the origin.
Public methodRotate(Vector3, Vector3, Double)
Rotates the matrix around an axis through a point.
Public methodScale(Double)
Scale uniformly about origin.
Public methodScale(Vector3)
Scale by vector about origin.
Public methodScale(Vector3, Vector3)
Scale by vector about a point.
Public methodToString
Returns a string in the format
[[x.x x.y x.z x.w] [y.x y.y y.z y.w] [z.x z.y z.z z.w] [t.x t.y t.z t.w]]
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public methodTranslate(Vector3)
Translates the matrix by a vector.
Public methodTranslate(Double, Double, Double)
Translates the matrix by x,y,z.
Public methodTranslateLocal(Vector3)
Translates the matrix by a vector in its own coordinate system.
Public methodTranslateLocal(Double, Double, Double)
Translates the matrix by x,y,z in its own coordinate system.
Public methodTranspose
Transposes the matrix.
Public methodStatic memberTryParse
Converts the string representation to its Matrix4 equivalent.
Public methodWithEulerZYX
Returns a new Matrix4 with the given Euler ZYX orientation
Public methodWithTranslation
Returns a new Matrix4 with the given translation
See Also