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MechanicalUnitDataChanged Event

This event is raised at any change of the mechanical unit data, e.g. tool changed, work object changed, coordinated system changed, motion mode changed or incremental step size changed. The event handler receives an event of the type MechanicalUnitDataEventArgs.

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers.MotionDomain
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.Controllers (in ABB.Robotics.Controllers.dll) Version:
public event MechanicalUnitDataEventHandler DataChanged


Type: ABB.Robotics.Controllers.MotionDomainMechanicalUnitDataEventHandler
Mechanical unit data can be changed by Rapid execution. This data will not be updated until execution stops.
This example sets up the subscription to the event for the active mechanical unit.
Controller c = new Controller();
MotionSystem motion = c.MotionSystem;
MechanicalUnit mech = motion.GetActiveMechanicalUnit();
mech.DataChanged +=new MechanicalUnitDataEventHandler(mech_DataChanged);

private void mech_DataChanged(MechanicalUnit sender, MechanicalUnitDataEventArgs e)
    // Update data stored in local variables, e.g. tool etc
See Also