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CollisionDetector Methods

The CollisionDetector type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, TemporaryGraphic, Double)
Calculates whether an object intersects with a TemporaryGraphic object.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, GraphicComponent, Double)
Calculates whether two objects intersect, or whether an object intersects any other object.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCollision(TemporaryGraphic, Double, Part)
Calculates whether any object in the active Station intersects with a TemporaryGraphic object.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, GraphicComponent, Double, Part, Part)
Calculates whether two objects intersect, or whether an object intersects any other object, and returns the intersecting Parts.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, GraphicComponent, Double, DetectableUsage, Part, Part)
Calculates whether two objects intersect, or whether an object intersects any other object, and returns the intersecting Parts.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, GraphicComponent, Double, DetectableUsage, Boolean, Part, Part)
Calculates whether two objects intersect, or whether an object intersects any other object, and returns the intersecting Parts.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCollision(GraphicComponent, GraphicComponent, Double, DetectableUsage, Boolean, Boolean, Part, Part)
Calculates whether two objects intersect, or whether an object intersects any other object, and returns the intersecting Parts.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCheckCollisions(CollisionSet)
Check collisions for a collision set.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCheckCollisions(Station)
Check collisions for all collision sets in the station.
Public methodStatic memberCheckLineIntersection
Calculates whether an line between two points intersects with any graphical object in a station.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMinimumDistance(ProjectObject, ProjectObject, Vector3, Vector3)
Calculates the shortest distance between two graphic objects, as well as the closest points on the objects.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMinimumDistance(ProjectObject, ProjectObject, Vector3, Vector3, Part, Part)
Calculates the shortest distance between two graphic objects, as well as the closest points on the objects.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleMinimumDistance(ProjectObject, ProjectObject, Vector3, Vector3, Part, Part, DetectableUsage)
Calculates the shortest distance between two graphic objects, as well as the closest points on the objects.
Public methodStatic memberPointDistance(Vector3, ProjectObject, Vector3, Part)
Calculates the shortest distance from a point to a graphic object, as well as the closest point on the object.
Public methodStatic memberPointDistance(Vector3, ProjectObject, Vector3, Part, Boolean)
Calculates the shortest distance from a point to a graphic object, as well as the closest point on the object.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleResetCollisions
Reset collisions, highlights and markups.
Public methodStatic memberResetCollisions(CollisionSet)
Reset collisions and highlights for a collision set.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also