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TemporaryGraphicCollection Methods

The TemporaryGraphicCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopyTo(Array, Int32)
Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Public methodCopyTo(TemporaryGraphic, Int32)
Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Public methodDispose
Public methodDrawArc
Creates an arc.
Public methodDrawArrow
Creates an arrow.
Public methodDrawBox
Creates a box.
Public methodDrawCable
Public methodDrawCircle
Creates a circle.
Public methodDrawCone
Creates a cone.
Public methodDrawCylinder(Matrix4, Double, Double, Color)
Creates a cylinder.
Public methodDrawCylinder(Matrix4, Double, Double, Double, Color)
Creates a cylinder with different bottom and top radii, e.g. a truncated cone.
Public methodDrawFrame(Matrix4, Double, Double)
Creates a color-coded frame representing a coordinate system
Public methodDrawFrame(Matrix4, Double, Double, String, Int32)
Creates a color-coded frame representing a coordinate system
Public methodDrawLine
Creates a line.
Public methodDrawLineStrip
Creates contiguous lines between a collection of points.
Public methodDrawMarker
Creates a fixed size Marker
Public methodDrawMesh(Matrix4, MeshPart)
Draws a MeshPart.
Public methodDrawMesh(Matrix4, Mesh, Boolean)
Draws a Mesh.
Public methodDrawPart(Matrix4, Part)
Adds an existing part.
Public methodDrawPart(Matrix4, Part, Double)
Adds an existing part with an added transparency.
Public methodDrawParticleSystem
Creates a particle system.
Public methodDrawPointCloud(Matrix4, Vector3, Color, Double)
Creates a point cloud.
Public methodDrawPointCloud(Matrix4, Vector3, Color, Double)
Creates a point cloud.
Public methodDrawPyramid
Creates a pyramid.
Public methodDrawRectangleWithMaterial
Creates a surface rectangle TemporaryGraphic with a Material.
Public methodDrawSphere
Creates a sphere.
Public methodDrawSurfaceCircle
Creates a surface circle
Public methodDrawSurfaceRectangle(Matrix4, Double, Double, Color)
Creates a surface rectangle
Public methodDrawSurfaceRectangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Color)
Creates a surface rectangle
Public methodDrawText(Vector3, String)
Creates a text markup.
Public methodDrawText(Vector3, String, Single, Color, Color)
Creates a text markup.
Public methodDrawText(Vector3, String, Single, Color, Color, Vector2, Boolean)
Creates a text markup.
Public methodDrawTexturedRectangle(Matrix4, Double, Double, Bitmap)
Creates a textured rectangle
Public methodDrawTexturedRectangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Texture)
Creates a surface rectangle
Public methodDrawTrace
Creates a trace, e.g. a set of contiguous line segments that follows a path of points.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through this TemporaryGraphicCollection object.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemove
Removes a TemporaryGraphic object from this TemporaryGraphicCollection object.
Public methodRemoveAll
Removes all TemporaryGraphic objects from this TemporaryGraphicCollection object.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdate
Updates the graphics to reflect all changes
See Also