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ABB.Robotics.Tps.Taf Namespace

Description for Namespace : ABB.Robotics.Tps.Taf
Public classCode exampleRapidEditorInitData
Represents the init data sent to the RAPID editor if a particular module and row shall be launched in the LaunchView method.
Public classTpsViewAttribute
TpsViewAttribute is added to the class that declares the TpsView. It provides information to the framework about how the view should appear.
Public interfaceIProdScrAttentionServices
Services related to attract the users attention to ProductionScreen
Public interfaceIProdScrLaunchServices
Services that Production Screen uses to start and register applications in Taf.
Public interfaceITpsViewActivation
TpsView activation interface. Methods are called when the TpsView becomes active/inactive.
Public interfaceITpsViewContext
TpsView Context interface. Method is called when a UIShow instruction is executed and the InitCmd parameter is set to a value.
Public interfaceCode exampleITpsViewLaunchServices
Define services provided by the FlexPendant.
Public interfaceITpsViewSetup
TpsView setup interface. Methods are called by TAF when the TpsView is created and when the TpsView is closed.
Public enumerationFpStandardView
Predefined standard views that that can be launched from an SDK Application.
Public enumerationStartPanelLocation
Possible locations for a TpsView. Determines if it is to be placed in the right or left column of the ABB menu
Public enumerationTpsViewStartupTypes
Types of startups for a TpsView. Default startup type for a TpsView is manual. The startup type is set in the TpsViewAttribute.
Public enumerationTpsViewType
The possible types for a TpsView