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FpStandardView Enumeration

Predefined standard views that that can be launched from an SDK Application.

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.Tps.Taf
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.Tps.Taf (in ABB.Robotics.Tps.Taf.dll) Version:
public enum FpStandardView
  Member nameValueDescription
RapidEditor0Launches the Program Editor view. It is possible to specify a RAPID task and a module to open along with a row number to specify what part of the program should be displayed. See RapidEditorInitData. The data is included in the initData parameter of the LaunchView method.
Jogging1Launches the Jogging view - no init data can be provided.
RapidData2Launches the Rapid Data view - no init data can be provided.
BackUpRestore3Launches the Backup and Restore view - no init data can be provided.
LogOff4Launches the log off view - no init data can be provided.
See Also