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TpsViewAttribute Properties

The TpsViewAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyABBMenuImagePath
Gets the path to the image associated with the view in the start panel.
Public propertyAssemblyName
Gets the name of the assembly.
Public propertyCloseable
Defines if the view is closeable or not, its default value is true.
Public propertyResourceAssembly
Gets the name of the resource assembly associated with the view.
Public propertyStartPanelLocation
Gets the start panel location of the view.
Public propertyStartupType
Gets the startup type for the view.
Public propertyTaskBarImagePath
Gets the path to the image associated with the view in the start panel and in the taskbar.
Public propertyText
Gets the text associated with the view in the ABBMenu (start panel) and in the taskbar.
Public propertyTpsViewClassName
Gets the fully qualified name of the TpsView class.
Public propertyTpsViewType
Gets the type of the view.
Public propertyTypeId
When implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute.
(Inherited from Attribute.)
See Also