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ModPosExceptionProblemReason Enumeration

The reason for a modify position problem.

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics (in ABB.Robotics.dll) Version:
public enum ProblemReason
  Member nameValueDescription
IllegalExecutionState0 Operation is illegal in current execution state.
WrongActiveTool1 Wrong active tool.
WrongActiveWorkobject2 Wrong active workobject.
MechanicalUnitNotWithinLimit3 The position of the mechanical unit is not within limits.
ObjectNotModossible4 Object is not modpossible.
IllegalSourcePosition5 The given source position is illegal for the operation.
NoSuchSymbol6 RAPID symbol was not found.
MechanicalUnitDeactivated7 At least one axis is deactivated since last modpos.
NoTCPRobotActive8 No TCP robot activated.
See Also