Click or drag to resize
GraphicPicker Properties

The GraphicPicker type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnableSelection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether picking will cause the project selection to be updated
Public propertyFreehandMode
Gets or sets the way the user will be able to move or rotate a selected object by using the mouse
Public propertyFreehandObject
Gets or sets a IFreehandObject for freehand manipulation.
Public propertyFreehandReference
Gets or sets reference coordinate system for freehand manipulation
Public propertyMarkerPosition
Gets or sets the position of the marker which indicates the last pick point
Public propertyMultiJog
Gets or sets a value indicating whether multi robot jogging is enabled
Public propertyMultiJogEnabled
ABB internal use only
Public propertyMultiJogExclude
Gets or sets the robots that are not used in multi robot jogging.
Public propertySelectionColor
Gets or sets the color of selected objects
Public propertySelectionHighlight Obsolete.
This property is obsolete.
Public propertySelectionMode
Gets or sets the type of objects that will be selectable by picking
Public propertySelectionPreview
Gets or sets a value indicating whether objects under the cursor will be temporarily highlighted
Public propertySelectionRadius
Gets or sets the tolerance (in pixels) used when picking line objects
Public propertyShowLocalCoordinateSystem
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the origin of selected objects will be shown as a coordinate system
Public propertySnapMode
Gets or sets the way the pick point will be adjusted when picking geometric objects
See Also