Library Compiler (LibraryCompiler.exe)
The RobotStudio Library Compiler compiles XML files into RobotStudio Library (.rslib) files.
A library XML file contains entries that specifies the components of the library and their attributes.
The LibraryCompiler Schema defines the syntax that the library XML file must adhere to.
Localized text resources can be embedded by adding one or more culture specific Library Resource XML files.
LibraryCompiler.exe is located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB\RobotStudio version\Bin\LibraryComplier.exe
Usage |
LibraryCompiler [/optimize] [/detail] [/detail] [/verbosity] [/rsgfx]librarySourceFile[outputDirectory] |
Parameters | Description |
optimize:geo|faces|all | Graphics optimization. geo - The geometry information in the specified .sat file is not included in the resulting library. This makes the library smaller. faces - Same as geo but also merges mesh faces with similar properties and (optionally) merges vertices. all: Same as faces but also merges mesh vertices with similar properties. |
detail:fine|medium|coarse | Faceting levels. Specifies which level of details that shall be created in the resulting library. Example: /detail:fine|medium |
verbosity:minimum|medium|full | Sets the verbosity of the console output. |
rsgfx | Create .rsgfx file from .sat files. |
Libraryfile.xml | The Library XML file to be compiled. |
OutputDirectory | Optional parameter which specifies the output path of the compiled library. The directory is relative the current directory. If omitted, the current directory is used. |
Embedding resource Assets
The Library XML file itself does not contain any culture specific information such as descriptions and captions. Such information is specified in separate Library Resource XML files. The resource files must have the same base name as the library file, but with culture specific extension. For
a resource file named Library1.en.xml
will match a library named Library1.xml
. en denotes English language.
Each resource file that has a matching name and that is found in the same directory as the library file will be added as an asset by the compiler.
It is also possible to specify the resource base file name using the resources
attribute. In the following example, the LibraryCompiler would search for resource files named Resources.en.xml
, etc.
<LibraryCompiler xmlns="urn:abb-robotics-robotstudio-librarycompiler" resources="Resources">
Compiling a set of Library XML files
From one Library XML file it is possible to include other Library XML files using the <include>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LibraryCompiler xmlns="urn:abb-robotics-robotstudio-librarycompiler">
<Include source="LibraryA.xml"/>
<Include source="LibraryB.xml"/>