Robot Web Services
3HAC050973-001 Revision:L, Application Manual - Robot Web Services

This example program subscribe on elog, sets-up a websocket connection and retrieve elog descriptions. Any inbound events received on the websocket is sent to a session thread using a simple message queue. Inbound elog events are deserialized by the session thread, the url to the elog resource is unpacked and then used when retrieving the elog message from the controller. The retrieved elog message contains an elog description in requested language. The printout contains both the elog event, received on the websocket and the elog description retrieved from the controller after the event has been unpacked.

The output will look like:

  Elog: seqNo=157 href=/rw/elog/0/157
  10016 2014-06-24 T 13:23:05 The system has been ordered to go to the Automatic mode.
  Elog: seqNo=158 href=/rw/elog/0/158
  10010 2014-06-24 T 13:23:06 The system is in the Motors OFF state. It enters this state either after switching from Manual mode to Automatic, or after the Motors ON circuit has been opened during program execution.
  Elog: seqNo=159 href=/rw/elog/0/159
  10017 2014-06-24 T 13:23:08 The system is in the Automatic mode.
  Elog: seqNo=160 href=/rw/elog/0/160
  10011 2014-06-24 T 13:23:10 The system is in the Motors ON state.
  Elog: seqNo=161 href=/rw/elog/0/161
  10002 2014-06-24 T 13:23:13 The program pointer of task T_ROB1 has been reset.
  Elog: seqNo=164 href=/rw/elog/0/164
  10151 2014-06-24 T 13:23:13 Execution of task T_ROB1 has been started from the first instruction of the task's entry routine. The originator is an external client.
  Elog: seqNo=165 href=/rw/elog/0/165
  10125 2014-06-24 T 13:23:23 The task T_ROB1 has stopped. The reason is that an external or internal stop has occurred.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using WebSocketSharp; // the websocket-sharp library from
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
// Example on how to subscribe and receive events on a websocket
namespace ElogSubscriber
class Program
public static string _host = ""; // controller to connect to
public static string _userName = "Default User";
public static string _password = "robotics";
public static string _language = "?lang=en"; // return elog descriptions in english
public static HttpWebCommunication _webcon = new HttpWebCommunication();
// A simple message queue between websocket thread and session thread
public static SimpleSafeList<string> messageQueue = new SimpleSafeList<string>();
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a thread which will :
// Connect to the controller
// Subscribe on elog
// Display elog events
ControllerSession session = new ControllerSession();
Thread sessionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(session.Run));
Console.WriteLine("Hit ENTER to exit..."); Console.ReadLine();
// send exit message to session thread
// abort the thread
// <summary>
// Controller thread. Connect to the controller and subscribe on elog.
// Waits on inbound events on the message queue
// </summary>
public class ControllerSession
public void Run()
// Subscribe on elog domain 0
string postData = "resources=1&1=" + "/rw/elog/0" + "&1-p=1";
HttpWebResponse response = Program._webcon.DoWebRequest("POST", Program._host + "/subscription", postData);
// A subscribe request shall return created
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created)
// something was wrong
Console.WriteLine("Error subscribe on resource {0} error {1}", postData, response.StatusCode.ToString());
// Get the created location url from header
// The location url contains the subscription group.
// The location url shall be used if the subscription shall be removed or new subscriptions shall be added to the same group
string location = response.Headers["Location"];
// It's a good idea to close the response stream when done with the response
// Connect websocket
RWSWebSockets ws = new RWSWebSockets();
ws.WsConnect(Program.messageQueue, new Uri(Program._host), Program._webcon.GetAbbCookie(), Program._webcon.GetHttpSessionCookie());
// Wait on messages on the message queue
// Message to the message queue are sent from the websocket or the main thread
string message = null;
message = Program.messageQueue.WaitRead();
if (message != null)
if (message.Substring(0, 6) == "<info>")
else if (message.Substring(0, 6) == "<data>") // event
// Console.WriteLine(message);
// pick out the elog href from the event
string href = GetElogLink(message.Substring(6));
// get elog message from controller
if (href != null)
string elogMsg = GetElogMessage(href);
if (elogMsg != null)
} while (true);
// <summary>
// Get elog message from controller
// </summary>
// <param name="elogUrl"></param>
// <returns></returns>
private string GetElogMessage(string elogUrl)
// Get the elog message of language Program._language
HttpWebResponse response = Program._webcon.DoWebRequest("GET", Program._host + elogUrl + Program._language, null);
// A subscribe request shall return created
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
// something was wrong
Console.WriteLine("Error get resource {0} error {1}", elogUrl, response.StatusCode.ToString());
return null;
// Deserialize the elog XML string
string elogMessage = DeserializeElogResource(response.GetResponseStream());
// Close the http response stream (if forgotten, it might not be possible to send more requests)
return elogMessage;
// <summary>
// Deserialize Elog xml string
// </summary>
// <param name="elogXml"></param>
// <returns></returns>
string DeserializeElogResource(Stream elogXml)
string elogDescription = null;
string elogCode = null;
string elogTimeStamp = null;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Create an XmlNamespaceManager for resolving namespaces.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("ns", "");
XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//ns:html/ns:body/ns:div/ns:ul/ns:li", nsmgr);
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
XmlAttribute type = node.Attributes["class"];
if (type != null)
string classType = type.Value.ToString();
switch (classType)
case "elog-message":
XmlNode elog = node.SelectSingleNode("//ns:span[@class='desc']", nsmgr);
if (elog != null)
elogDescription = elog.InnerText.ToString();
elog = node.SelectSingleNode("//ns:span[@class='code']", nsmgr);
if (elog != null)
elogCode = elog.InnerText.ToString();
elog = node.SelectSingleNode("//ns:span[@class='tstamp']", nsmgr);
if (elog != null)
elogTimeStamp = elog.InnerText.ToString();
return elogCode + " " + elogTimeStamp + " " + elogDescription;
// <summary>
// Get the link to the elog resource from the elog event
// </summary>
// <param name="xmlResource"></param>
// <returns></returns>
private string GetElogLink(string xmlResource)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Create an XmlNamespaceManager for resolving namespaces.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("ns", "");
string elogHref = null;
string seqNo = null;
// Get type of event
XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//ns:html/ns:body/ns:div/ns:ul/ns:li", nsmgr);
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
XmlAttribute type = node.Attributes["class"];
if (type != null)
string classType = type.Value.ToString();
switch (classType)
case "elog-message-ev":
XmlNode elogNode = node.SelectSingleNode("ns:a[@rel='self']", nsmgr);
if (elogNode != null)
XmlAttribute rlink = elogNode.Attributes["href"];
elogHref = rlink.Value.ToString();
XmlNode elogSeqNo = node.SelectSingleNode("//ns:span[@class='seqnum']", nsmgr);
if (elogSeqNo != null)
seqNo = elogSeqNo.InnerText.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Elog: seqNo={0} href={1}", seqNo, elogHref);
return elogHref;
// <summary>
// Wrapper class for http
// </summary>
public class HttpWebCommunication
CookieContainer _cookies = new CookieContainer(); // keep the cookies the same during multiple requests
NetworkCredential _credentials = new NetworkCredential(Program._userName, Program._password);
Cookie _abbCookie = null;
Cookie _httpSessionCookie = null;
public HttpWebCommunication()
// <summary>
// Do a web request
// </summary>
// <param name="method">GET, PUT, POST, DELETE</param>
// <param name="url"></param>
// <param name="body"></param>
// <returns></returns>
public HttpWebResponse DoWebRequest(string method, string url, string body)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(url));
request.Credentials = _credentials;
request.Method = method;
request.CookieContainer = _cookies;
request.PreAuthenticate = true;
request.Proxy = null;
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
if (request.Method == "PUT" || request.Method == "POST")
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // use form data when sending update etc to controller
Stream s = request.GetRequestStream();
s.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(body), 0, body.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
if (_abbCookie == null) // take the cookie from the first request
// set the abb cookie
_abbCookie = GetAbbCookie(response);
if (_httpSessionCookie == null) // take the cookie from the first request
// set the abb cookie
_httpSessionCookie = GetHttpSessionCookie(response);
return response;
// <summary>
// Get the ABBCX cookie from the response
// </summary>
// <param name="response"></param>
// <returns></returns>
private Cookie GetAbbCookie(HttpWebResponse response)
string abbcookiestr = null;
// get the abb cookie
string cookiesText = (response as HttpWebResponse).Headers[HttpResponseHeader.SetCookie];
string[] lines = cookiesText.Split(';');
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] c = line.Split('=');
if (c[0] == "ABBCX" || c[0] == " httponly,ABBCX")
abbcookiestr = c[1];
return new Cookie("ABBCX", abbcookiestr);
private Cookie GetHttpSessionCookie(HttpWebResponse response)
string httpcookiestr = null;
// get the abb cookie
string cookiesText = (response as HttpWebResponse).Headers[HttpResponseHeader.SetCookie];
string[] lines = cookiesText.Split(';');
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] c = line.Split('=');
if (c[0] == "-http-session-")
httpcookiestr = c[1];
return new Cookie("-http-session", httpcookiestr);
public Cookie GetAbbCookie()
return _abbCookie;
public Cookie GetHttpSessionCookie()
return _httpSessionCookie;
// <summary>
// Websocket interface towards websocket_sharp
// </summary>
class RWSWebSockets
WebSocket websocket = null;
bool m_connected = false;
SimpleSafeList<string> m_messageQueue;
public void WsConnect(SimpleSafeList<string> msgQueue, Uri url, Cookie abbCookie, Cookie httpSessionCookie)
m_messageQueue = msgQueue;
string wsUrl = "ws://" + url.Authority + "/poll"; // Authority, the port number must be included in the url
websocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl, "robapi2_subscription"); // create websocket using robapi2_subscription protocol
// add cookies used in the web socket connection
websocket.SetCookie(new WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie(abbCookie.Name, abbCookie.Value));
websocket.SetCookie(new WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie(httpSessionCookie.Name, httpSessionCookie.Value));
// define handles
websocket.OnOpen += new EventHandler(WsOpened);
websocket.OnError += new EventHandler<WebSocketSharp.ErrorEventArgs>(WsError);
websocket.SetCredentials(Program._userName, Program._password, false);
websocket.OnMessage += new EventHandler<MessageEventArgs>(WsMessageReceived);
websocket.OnClose += new EventHandler<CloseEventArgs>(WsClosed);
// do the web socket connect, if anything goes wrong is an exception thrown
public void Close()
if (m_connected)
private void WsOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_connected = true;
private void WsClosed(object sender, CloseEventArgs e)
m_connected = false;
private void WsError(object sender, WebSocketSharp.ErrorEventArgs e)
// Send inbound events on the message queue
private void WsMessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
m_messageQueue.Add("<data>" + e.Data.ToString());
// <summary>
// Simple thread safe list
// </summary>
// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public class SimpleSafeList<T>
private readonly List<T> _items = new List<T>();
private EventWaitHandle _ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
private Int32 waitTime = 300;
// <summary>
// Add an item to the list
// </summary>
// <param name="item"></param>
public void Add(T item)
lock (this._items)
// <summary>
// Get number of items in the list
// </summary>
public int Count
lock (this._items)
return this._items.Count;
// <summary>
// Return item from list
// </summary>
// <param name="index"></param>
// <returns></returns>
public T this[int index]
lock (this._items)
return this._items[index];
// <summary>
// Wait on item to be inserted to the list
// </summary>
// <returns></returns>
public T WaitRead()
if (Count == 0)
if (Count > 0)
T val = this[0];
return val;
return default(T);