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ExceptionLogMessage Properties

The ExceptionLogMessage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanActivate
Indicates if this message can be double-clicked to display more information.
(Overrides LogMessageCanActivate.)
Public propertyCategory
Gets the message category. This property is used to categorize log messages which is related to each other. A PowerPack for example, could define its own category for all messages that it logs.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertyDetailedText
A more detailed description that if set to anything will be shown in a dialog when the message is activated.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertyException
Gets the Exception.
Public propertyHelpTopic
This property is for internal use only.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertySequenceNumber
Gets the sequence number of the message severity of the message.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertySeverity
Gets the severity of the message. The severity is specified by the LogMessageSeverity enumerator.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertyText
Gets the message text.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
Public propertyTimeStamp
Gets the date and time when the message was logged.
(Inherited from LogMessage.)
See Also