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RobotStudioAPI Properties

The RobotStudioAPI type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDataDirectory
Gets path to the directory where RobotStudios data files are stored, typically equal to the installation directory.
Public propertyStatic memberEnableProjectObjectChangedEvents
Used to temporarily disable the ProjectObjectChanged event.
Public propertyStatic memberInitialized
Gets a value that indicates if the API has been properly initialized.
Public propertyStatic memberInternalLicense Obsolete.
Public propertyStatic memberIsCondemned
Can be set before starting shutdown. Acts as a hint that proper cleanup of memory is not needed (if time consuming), since the process is about to die anyway.
Public propertyStatic memberMainThread
Gets the main (GUI) Thread of the application.
Public propertyStatic memberSyncContext
Represents the synchronization context that most API methods must be called on.
Public propertyStatic memberSynchronizeInvoke
Provides a way to execute delegates in the GUI context.
Public propertyStatic memberVersion
Gets the application version number.
See Also