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DataRecorderSinkBase2 Properties

The DataRecorderSinkBase2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataRecorder
Gets the DataRecorderBase that contains this sink.
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
Public propertyDisplayName
Localized display name for the sink
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets if this sink is enabled, e.g. will receive any signal data.
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
Public propertyId
A string that uniquely identifies the sink
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
Public propertySignals
Gets the collection of signals that this sink subscribes to.
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
Public propertyUIVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates if this sink should be visible in a user interface.
(Inherited from DataRecorderSinkBase.)
See Also