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ToolControlManager Methods

The ToolControlManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateToolHost
Creates a host for a Tool Control. Typically Tool Controls are hosted by the browser Tool Windows. The Tool Window does not host the Tool Control directly, but uses another control as a place holder. This place holder is called the Tool Host Control, and is created by this method. When ShowTool(Type, String) is called, the Tool Control will automatically be added to the Tool host Control. Each host has an identity which makes it possible to find it using FindToolHost(String) Add the returned control to the Controls collection of the browser Tool Window.
The Tool Control itself will be added to the Controls collection of the Tool Host Control, by the manager when ShowTool(Type, String) is called.
Public methodStatic memberFindToolHost
Returns the Tool Control host with the specified identifier.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterToolCommand
Registers a Command corresponding to a Tool Control, to make it posible to display it in the specified host. When calling ShowTool(Type, String), only registered hosts will be considered. If the Tool Control should be able to be displayed in several hosts, it has to registered with each host.
Public methodStatic memberShowTool
Creates an instance of the Tool Control specified by its Type and associated with the specified Command Id. If there is a host visible, that has been registered to host the specified Tool Control, the control will be instantiated and shown. The current Tool Control of the host (if any) will be closed.
See Also