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CustomProjectObject Class
Base class for custom ProjectObject derived classes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio
Assembly:  ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio (in ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.dll) Version: 7.0.8747.636
public abstract class CustomProjectObject : ProjectObject

The CustomProjectObject type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCustomProjectObject
Initializes a new instance of the CustomProjectObject class.
Protected methodCustomProjectObject(LoadContext)
Constructor called when the object is created by the persistence system.
Public propertyAttributes
Returns a collection of dynamic attributes attached to the object
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyChildren
Enumerates all child objects.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyContainingProject
Returns the Project that this object is a part of, or null if it is not part of a Project.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets the name of the the object that should be displayed in the GUI.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Protected propertyInternalChildren (Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Protected propertyInternalParent (Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the object
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyParent
Returns the objects parent, if it has one.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyTypeDisplayName
Gets a localized name for the type of this object.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyUIVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates if this object should be displayed in GUI such as an object browser.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Public propertyUniqueId
Gets a persisted, globally unique identifier for this object, that can be used to find the object using the GetObjectFromUniqueId(String) method.
(Inherited from ProjectObject.)
Protected field_curUndoDeltaState (Inherited from ProjectObject.)
In order for persistence to work properly, the static RegisterType() method must be called once for each derived type. Any persistent and/or undoable data should be stored in the Attributes collection. Call the SetParent() method to make the object part of an existing station.
Version Information

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See Also