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Project Events

The Project type exposes the following members.

Public eventStatic memberActiveProjectChanged
Occurs when the ActiveProject property has changed.
Public eventStatic memberAutoSaveAvailable
Occurs if autosave data is available for a Project being loaded.
Public eventStatic memberBeforeLoadProjectFile
Occurs before a Project is loaded from file.
Public eventClosed
Occurs after a Project is closed.
Public eventStatic memberProjectAdded
Occurs when a Project is loaded or created.
Public eventStatic memberProjectFileDifferentVersion
Occurs when a file that was created by a different application version is being loaded.
Public eventStatic memberProjectFileLocked
Occurs if a Project file being loaded in read-write mode cannot be opened for writing.
Public eventProjectObjectRemoved
Occurs when the ContainingProject property has changed to null. This will occur when an ProjectObject object is removed from a Project project. For example when an object removed from its owning collection.
Public eventStatic memberProjectRemoved
Occurs when a Project is closed.
Public eventStatic memberReferencedProjectFileNotFound
Occurs when a file referenced by a Project being loaded is not found in the expected location.
Public eventStatic memberReferencedProjectFileNotSame
Occurs when a file referenced by a Project being loaded is not the same as when the project was saved.
Public eventSaved
Occurs after a Project has been saved to file.
Public eventSaving
Occurs before a Project is saved to file.
See Also