Data Storage
Normally, a SmartComponent needs to save information about its current state. It is important to understand how a SmartComponent stores information about its state and about the component's composition itself.
The State Cache
A SmartComponent that implements its behavior with code written in Visual Studio makes use of the
CodeBehind class, inherited from the
Disconnect Library
When used in a station, a SmartComponent is linked to its .rslib file and cannot be modified. There might be some cases when the developer wants to modify the SmartComponent in the station, therefore, the user needs to disconnect the SmartComponent from its library (the .rslib file). To do so, right-click the component and select Disconnect Library from the context menu.
Once the library has been disconnected, a copy of the library will be created for the user to modify. This modified copy may be saved into a new .rslib file.
The same action can be performed by the SmartComponent's CodeBehind by executing the following line of code: