Add-in file
Required meta data about a RobotStudio Add-In is specified in a manifest file named "AddInName".rsaddin.
It is an XML file with content according to the urn:abb-robotics-robotstudio-addin
The .rsaddin file provides additional information to RobotStudio that is used both to decide if and when the Add-In can be loaded in the current installation, and how the Add-In is presented in the Add-In management user interfaces.
Commonly used elements in the .rsaddin file
"DisplayName" – Specify the name of add-in
"Display Version" – Version of add-in
"Description" – About add-in
"Image" – Displayed on the activation button
"AddInType" – Mention the appropriate add-in type
"License Feature" – Does the add-in require license check
"Assembly FileName" - Specifies the assembly that contains the add-in. If Entrypoint is not specified, the assembly must contain a public static method called AddinMain
"Assembly Path" - The path to the add-in DLL. If not specified, the DLL is assumed to be located in the same folder as the .rsaddin file
"AssemblyEntryPoint" - Specifies the entry point for a PowerPac type add-in.This must be a class that inherits HostedAddInBase.
RobotStudio Add-in file example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<RobotStudioAddIn xmlns:xsi=""
<DisplayName>Sample PowerPac</DisplayName>
<Description>RobotStudio Sample PowerPac</Description>
<StartPage show="true"/>
<!-- Image that is displayed on the PowerPac activation button -->
<!-- Specifies the type of add-in -->
<!-- Specifies a license feature that is required to enable the add-in -->
<!-- Specifies the minimum RobotStudio version required by the add-in,
in the form Major[.Minor[.Build[.Revision]]] -->
<!-- Specifies the assembly that contains the add-in. If Entrypoint is not specified,
the assembly must contain a public static method called AddinMain -->
<!-- The path to the add-in DLL. If not specified, the DLL is assumed
to be located in the same folder as the .rsaddin file -->
<Path>$ProgramFiles$\ABB\Sample PowerPac</Path>
<!-- Specifies the entry point for a PowerPac type add-in.
This must be a class that inherits HostedAddInBase. -->
<!-- Specifies the APIs used by this add-in. -->