// The Onload method // this is an array that holds the devLangs of language specific text control, they might are: // vb, cs, cpp, nu var allLanguageTagSets = new Array(); // we stored the ids of code snippets of same pages so that we can do interaction between them when tab are selected var snippetIdSets = new Array(); var isSearchPage = false; // Width of TOC: 1 (280px), 2 (480px), 3 (680px) var tocPosition = 1; function OnLoad(cs) { // This is a hack to fix the URLs for the background images on certain styles. Help Viewer 1.0 doesn't // mind if you put the relative URL in the styles for fix up later in script. However, Help Viewer 2.0 will // abort all processing and won't run any startup script if it sees an invalid URL in the style. As such, we // put a dummy attribute in the style to specify the image filename and use this code to get the URL from the // Favorites icon and then substitute the background image icons in the URL and set it in each affected style. // This works in either version of the help viewer. var iconPath = undefined; callResize(); try { var linkEnum = new Enumerator(document.getElementsByTagName('link')); var link; for (linkEnum.moveFirst(); !linkEnum.atEnd(); linkEnum.moveNext()) { link = linkEnum.item(); if (link.rel.toLowerCase() == 'shortcut icon') iconPath = link.href.toString(); } } catch (e) {} finally {} if(iconPath) { try { var styleSheetEnum = new Enumerator(document.styleSheets); var styleSheet; var ruleNdx; var rule; for(styleSheetEnum.moveFirst(); !styleSheetEnum.atEnd(); styleSheetEnum.moveNext()) { styleSheet = styleSheetEnum.item(); if(styleSheet.rules) if(styleSheet.rules.length != 0) for(ruleNdx = 0; ruleNdx != styleSheet.rules.length; ruleNdx++) { rule = styleSheet.rules.item(ruleNdx); var bgUrl = rule.style.backgroundImageName; if(typeof(bgUrl) != "undefined") rule.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + iconPath.replace("favicon.ico", bgUrl) + ")"; } } } catch (e) {} finally {} } // This compensates for a bug in the default transforms that changes

in SelfBranded content try { var brTags = document.all.tags("br"); if(brTags) { var brEnum = new Enumerator(brTags); for(brEnum.moveFirst(); !brEnum.atEnd(); brEnum.moveNext()) { var brTag = brEnum.item(); var brNext = brTag.nextSibling; if(brNext) if(brNext.tagName.toLowerCase() == "br") brNext.parentElement.removeChild (brNext); } } } catch (e) {} finally {} var lang = GetCookie("CodeSnippetContainerLang", "C#"); var currentLang = getDevLangFromCodeSnippet(lang); // if LST exists on the page, then set the LST to show the user selected programming language. updateLST(currentLang); // if codesnippet exists if (snippetIdSets.length > 0) { var i = 0; while (i < snippetIdSets.length) { var _tempSnippetCount = 5; if (document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab5") == null) _tempSnippetCount = 1; if (_tempSnippetCount < 2) { // Tabs not grouped - skip // Disable 'Copy to clipboard' link if in Chrome if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') != -1) { document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_copycode").style.display = 'none'; } i++; continue; } if (lang != null && lang.length > 0) { var index = 1, j = 1; while (j < 6) { var tabTemp = document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab" + j); if (tabTemp == null) { j++; continue; } if (tabTemp.innerHTML.indexOf(lang) != -1) { index = j; break; } j++; } if (j == 6) { if (document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab1").className.indexOf("OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabDisabled") != -1) { // Select the first non-disabled tab var j = 2; while (j < 6) { var tab = document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab" + j); if (tab.className.indexOf("OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabDisabled") == -1) { tab.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabActiveNotFirst"; document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + '_code_Div' + j).style.display = 'block'; break; } j++; } // disable left most img if first tab disabled document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tabimgleft").className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabLeftDisabled"; } } else { setCurrentLang(snippetIdSets[i], lang, index, _tempSnippetCount, false); } } if (document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab5").className.indexOf("OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabDisabled") != -1) { // disable right most img if last tab disabled document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tabimgright").className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabRightDisabled"; } i++; } } updateSearchUI(); // Check for high contrast mode if (isHighContrast()) { onHighContrast(isBlackBackground()); } // Position TOC tocPosition = GetCookie("TocPosition", 1); resizeToc(); } // The function executes on OnLoad event and Changetab action on Code snippets. // The function parameter changeLang is the user choosen programming language, VB is used as default language if the app runs for the fist time. // this function iterates through the 'lanSpecTextIdSet' dictionary object to update the node value of the LST span tag per user's choosen programming language. function updateLST(currentLang) { for (var lstMember in lanSpecTextIdSet) { var devLangSpan = document.getElementById(lstMember); if (devLangSpan != null) { // There is a carriage return before the LST control in the content, so the replace function below is used to trim the white space(s) at the end of the previous node of the current LST node. if (devLangSpan.previousSibling != null && devLangSpan.previousSibling.nodeValue != null) devLangSpan.previousSibling.nodeValue = devLangSpan.previousSibling.nodeValue.replace(/\s+$/, ""); var langs = lanSpecTextIdSet[lstMember].split("|"); var k = 0; while (k < langs.length) { if (currentLang == langs[k].split("=")[0]) { devLangSpan.innerHTML = langs[k].split("=")[1]; break; } k++; } } } } function updateSearchUI() { var searchWatermark = document.getElementById('searchWatermark'); var searchBtn = document.getElementById('btnS'); var searchTextbox = document.getElementById('qu'); if (searchWatermark && searchBtn && searchTextbox) { if (searchBtn.innerText == '' || searchBtn.textContent == '') // true if we are not on the search results page { // Position watermarks searchWatermark.style.top = searchTextbox.offsetTop + 'px'; searchWatermark.style.left = searchTextbox.offsetLeft + 'px'; if (searchTextbox.value != '') { searchWatermark.style.display = 'none'; searchTextbox.focus(); } else { searchWatermark.style.display = 'inline'; searchTextbox.blur(); } } else { isSearchPage = true; searchWatermark.style.display = 'none'; searchTextbox.focus(); } } } // We use a colored span to detect high contrast mode function isHighContrast() { var elem = document.getElementById('HCColorTest'); if (elem) { // Set SPAN text color - will not be applied if in contrast mode elem.style.color = '#ff00ff'; if (window.getComputedStyle) { // Firefox var textcolor = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).color; if (textcolor != 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' && textcolor != '#ff00ff') { return true; } } else if (elem.currentStyle) { // IE if (elem.currentStyle.color != '#ff00ff') { return true; } } } return false; } // Called to determine if background is black // Only accurate when in high constrast mode function isBlackBackground() { var color = ''; if (window.getComputedStyle) { // Firefox color = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).backgroundColor; } else if (document.body.currentStyle) { // IE color = document.body.currentStyle.backgroundColor; } if (color == 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' || color == '#000000') { return true; } return false; } // Called when high constrast is detected function onHighContrast(black) { if (black) { // Black background, so use alternative images // VS logo var logo = document.getElementById('VSLogo'); if (logo) { var logoHC = document.getElementById('VSLogoHC'); if (logoHC) { logo.style.display = 'none'; logoHC.style.display = ''; } } // Search var searchImage = document.getElementById('searchImage'); if (searchImage) { var searchImageHC = document.getElementById('searchImageHC'); if (searchImageHC) { searchImage.style.display = 'none'; searchImageHC.style.display = ''; } } } } function getDevLangFromCodeSnippet(lang) { var tagSet = "nu"; if (lang != null) { var temp = lang.toLowerCase().replace(" ", ""); if (temp.indexOf("visualbasic") != -1) tagSet = "vb"; if ((temp.indexOf("csharp") != -1) || (temp.indexOf("c#") != -1)) tagSet = "cs"; if ((temp.indexOf("cplusplus") != -1) || (temp.indexOf("visualc++") != -1)) tagSet = "cpp"; } return tagSet; } // Cookie functionality function GetCookie(sName, defaultValue) { var aCookie = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i = 0; i < aCookie.length; i++) { var aCrumb = aCookie[i].split("="); if (sName == aCrumb[0]) return unescape(aCrumb[1]) } return defaultValue; } function SetCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { // set time, it's in milliseconds var today = new Date(); today.setTime(today.getTime()); if (expires) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; } var expires_date = new Date(today.getTime() + (expires)); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? ";secure" : ""); } function SetCodeSnippetContainerLangCookie(lang) { SetCookie("CodeSnippetContainerLang", lang, 60, "/", "", ""); return; } // we store the ids of LST control as dictionary object key values, so that we can get access to them and update when user changes to a different programming language. // The values of this dictioanry objects are ';' separated languagespecific attributes of the mtps:languagespecific control in the content. // This function is called from LanguageSpecificText.xslt var lanSpecTextIdSet = new Object(); function addToLanSpecTextIdSet(id) { var key = id.split("?")[0]; var value =id.split("?")[1]; lanSpecTextIdSet[key] = value; } // Functions called from codesnippet.xslt function ChangeTab(objid, lang, index, snippetCount) { setCurrentLang(objid, lang, index, snippetCount, true); SetCodeSnippetContainerLangCookie(lang); // switch tab for all of other codesnippets i = 0; while (i < snippetIdSets.length) { // we just care about other snippes if (snippetIdSets[i] != objid) { var _tempSnippetCount = 5; if (document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab5") == null) _tempSnippetCount = 1; if (_tempSnippetCount < 2) { // Tabs are not grouped - skip i++; continue; } var index = 1, j = 1; while (j < 6) { var tabTemp = document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab" + j); if (tabTemp == null) { j++; continue; } if (tabTemp.innerHTML.indexOf(lang) != -1) { index = j; } j++; } if (index > 5) index = 1; setCurrentLang(snippetIdSets[i], lang, index, _tempSnippetCount, false); } i++; } } var viewPlain = false; function setCurrentLang(objid, lang, index, snippetCount, setLangSpecText) { var _tab = document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + index); if (_tab != null) { if (document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + index).innerHTML.match("javascript") == null) { //Select left most tab as fallback var i = 1; while (i < 6) { if (!document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + i).disabled) { setCurrentLang(objid, document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + i).firstChild.innerHTML, i, snippetCount, false); return; } i++; } return; } var langText = _tab.innerHTML; if (langText.indexOf(lang) != -1) { i = 1; while (i < 6) { var tabtemp = document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + i); if (tabtemp != null) { if (tabtemp.className == "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabActive") tabtemp.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabFirst"; if (tabtemp.className == "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabActiveNotFirst") tabtemp.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTab"; } var codetemp = document.getElementById(objid + "_code_Div" + i); if (codetemp != null) { if (codetemp.style.display != 'none') codetemp.style.display = 'none'; } i++; } document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + index).className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabActive"; if (index != 1) document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + index).className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabActiveNotFirst"; if (viewPlain == false) document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Div' + index).style.display = 'block'; else document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + index).style.display = 'block'; // change the css of the first/last image div according the current selected tab // if the first tab is selected if (index == 1) document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").firstChild.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabLeftActive"; else { if (document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").firstChild.className != "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabLeftDisabled") document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").firstChild.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabLeft"; } // if the last tab is selected if (index == snippetCount) document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").lastChild.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabRightActive"; else { if (document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").lastChild.className != "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabRightDisabled") document.getElementById(objid + "_tabs").lastChild.className = "OH_CodeSnippetContainerTabRight"; } // show copy code button if EnableCopyCode is set to true (and not in Chrome) if (document.getElementById(objid + "_tab" + index).getAttribute("EnableCopyCode") == "true" && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') == -1) { document.getElementById(objid + "_copycode").style.display = 'inline'; } else { document.getElementById(objid + "_copycode").style.display = 'none'; } // if LST exists on the page, then set the LST to show the user selected programming language. if (setLangSpecText) { var currentLang = getDevLangFromCodeSnippet(lang); updateLST(currentLang); } } } } function addSpecificTextLanguageTagSet(codesnippetid) { var i = 1; while (i < 6) { var snippetObj = document.getElementById(codesnippetid + "_tab" + i); if (snippetObj == null) break; var tagSet = getDevLangFromCodeSnippet(snippetObj.innerHTML); var insert = true; var j = 0; while (j < allLanguageTagSets.length) { if (allLanguageTagSets[j] == tagSet) { insert = false; } j++; } if (insert) allLanguageTagSets.push(tagSet); i++; } snippetIdSets.push(codesnippetid); } function ExchangeTitleContent(objid, snippetCount) { ApplyExchangeTitleContent(objid, snippetCount); // switch tab for all of other codesnippets i = 0; while (i < snippetIdSets.length) { // we just care about other snippes if (snippetIdSets[i] != objid) { var _tempSnippetCount = 5; if (document.getElementById(snippetIdSets[i] + "_tab5") == null) _tempSnippetCount = 1; if (_tempSnippetCount < 2) return; ApplyExchangeTitleContent(snippetIdSets[i], _tempSnippetCount); } i++; } } function ApplyExchangeTitleContent(objid, snippetCount) { var i = 1; while (i <= snippetCount) { var obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none')) { obj.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i).style.display = 'block'; viewPlain = true; document.getElementById(objid + '_ViewPlain').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(objid + '_ViewColorized').style.display = 'inline'; break; } obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none')) { obj.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Div' + i).style.display = 'block'; viewPlain = false; document.getElementById(objid + '_ViewPlain').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById(objid + '_ViewColorized').style.display = 'none'; break; } i++; } } function CopyToClipboard(objid, snippetCount) { var contentid; var i = 1; while (i <= snippetCount) { var obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none') && (document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i).innerText != '')) { contentid = objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i; break; } obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none') && (document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i).innerText != '')) { contentid = objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i; break; } i++; } if (contentid == null) return; if (window.clipboardData) { try { window.clipboardData.setData("Text", document.getElementById(contentid).innerText); } catch (e) { alert("Permission denied. Enable copying to the clipboard."); } } else if (window.netscape) { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect'); var clip = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1'] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard); if (!clip) return; var trans = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1'] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); if (!trans) return; trans.addDataFlavor('text/unicode'); var str = new Object(); var len = new Object(); var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); var copytext = document.getElementById(contentid).textContent; str.data = copytext; trans.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, copytext.length * 2); var clipid = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard; clip.setData(trans, null, clipid.kGlobalClipboard); } catch (e) { alert("Permission denied. Enter \"about:config\" in the address bar and double-click the \"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support\" setting to enable copying to the clipboard."); } } else { return; } } function Print(objid, snippetCount) { var contentid; var i = 1; while (i <= snippetCount) { var obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none')) { contentid = objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i; break; } obj = document.getElementById(objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i); if ((obj != null) && (obj.style.display != 'none')) { contentid = objid + '_code_Plain_Div' + i; break; } i++; } if (contentid == null) return; var obj = document.getElementById(contentid); if (obj) { //var tempwin = window.open('', '', ''); var tempwin = window.open('', '', 'top=900000, left=900000, dependent=yes'); if (tempwin && tempwin.document) { try { tempwin.document.title = "Printer Dialog"; tempwin.document.body.innerText = obj.innerText; tempwin.print(); tempwin.close(); } catch (e) { if (tempwin) tempwin.close(); }; } } } function SearchTextboxKeyUp(e) { var e = window.event || e; var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode; if (key == 27) { // If user pressed ESCAPE, clear the textbox (IE doesn't pass special keys to onkeypress) document.getElementById('qu').value = ''; return false; } preventEventBubbling(e); } // TOC resize script function onIncreaseToc() { tocPosition++; if (tocPosition > 3) tocPosition = 1; resizeToc(); SetCookie("TocPosition", tocPosition); } function onResetToc() { tocPosition = 1; resizeToc(); SetCookie("TocPosition", tocPosition); } function resizeToc() { var toc = document.getElementById("LeftNav"); if (toc) { // Set TOC width // Positions: 1 (280px) 2 (380px) 3 (480px) var tocWidth = 280 + ((tocPosition - 1) * 100); toc.style.width = tocWidth + "px"; // Position images if (document.all) tocWidth -= 1; document.getElementById("TocResize").style.left = tocWidth + "px"; // Hide/show increase TOC width image document.getElementById("ResizeImageIncrease").style.display = (tocPosition == 3) ? "none" : ""; // Hide/show reset TOC width image document.getElementById("ResizeImageReset").style.display = (tocPosition != 3) ? "none" : ""; } } function preventEventBubbling(e) { if (e && e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } function callResize() { // get the Body height of the iframe page var height = document.body.scrollHeight; // send a request to parent to reset the height of the height parent.resizeIframe(height); }